Advertising Rates - Here are the current advertising rates for the Columbus Free Press.

We are actively seeking advertisers to help make our paper and your business a success.





The Columbus Free Press offers competitive price print advertising in every issue.

Print Advertisements
Full page:  9 3/8”x 11 1/2”  -  $850
Half Page Vert: 4 5/8” x 11 ½”  -  $450
Half Page Horizontal:  9 3/8” x 5 11/16”  -  $450           
1/3 Page Vert:  3” x 11 1/2”  - $300
2/3 Page Vert:  6 ¼” x 11 ½”  -  $550
Quarter Page:  4 5/8” x 5 11/16”  -   $250        
1/6 Vertical:  3” x 5 3/4”  -  $200
Interior covers:  9 3/8” x 11 1/2”  -  $1,200.00
Back Exterior Cover: 9 3/8” x 11 ½”  -  $1,400
25% Discount on Black & White Pages
Discounts Availible on Multi-Issue Commitments
Internet Advertisements
Top Banner Ad: $225.00/month
Side Banner Ad: $155/month
Special Services
Print or Internet Ad Creation                                 $25
Ad Creation without Art and/or Copy Provided     $50
Highly Custom Geolocation                                  $150
For more information contact -

The Free Press
Advertising Sales Manager