
Jim Jordan is best known for kissing Trump’s ass, being an egomaniac, and a serial abuser of those he believes are below him. Jordan once said, “vaccine mandates are un-American.” Try telling that...

For Gaza We Rise. Sunday, October 6, 2024, 3:00 PM. Commenorating 1 year of resistance.  Sponsored by OSU Students for Justice in Palestine. 


America’s Supreme death penalty hypocrisy must end before more innocents are murdered. Six “pro-life” US High Court “Justices” have shrugged at the death of Marcellus Williams, a horrific sentence...

Action Alert

Police beating a guy and details about event
Monday, 21 October 2024
Join us for O22 2024 on Tuesday, October 22nd from noon-2pm on the lawn in front of the Ohio Statehouse (High Street side). RSVP here!New to O22? October 22 is the National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality, and this year we will use...

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We signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold us accountable.
21 October 2024

A local game creator has taken a stab at the indie card game scene—literally. Don’t Get Stabbed was developed by Jordan McLaughlin, a Columbus...

Brownand Moreno and image from a TV ad
14 October 2024

Just days ago at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump said: “Your child goes to school and they take your child. It was a he and comes back a she. And they...