Flier for event
14 October 2015
Bob Fitrakis, Suzanne Patzer & the host committee  Invite you join us for an evening in support of Represent Columbus’s effort to bring Council Districts to Columbus.    Wednesday October 21 @ 5:30 PM General Admission: $20-...
Clean up City Hall sign
27 September 2015

Columbus citizens need to be heard and represented.

• We need to take money out of politics and create a government that is responsive to its citizens.
• We need a Ward System so that citizens are represented in City...

07 September 2015

A non-partisan rally to peacefully protest the corruption at Columbus City Hall:

Where: Strongwater Food and Spirits, 401 W Town St, Columbus, Ohio 43215

When: Wed., Sept. 9 5-6:15pm

We will be...

PUCO logo
29 August 2015

Mon, August 31, 10am, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio [PUCO], 180 E. Broad St.

The PUCO has postponed the hearings for the third time, to August 31, for which date we will reschedule our rally. Postponing is likely a good...

Movie poster from Message from Hiroshima
06 August 2015

Aug. 6: Peace Vigil at Goodale Park Gazebo and Pond, Park Street and Buttles Avenue, northeast side of the park. 7:30-8:30pm for a sunset ceremony marking the 70th year of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,...

Words saying Stop the TPP
30 June 2015

Last week Senator Rob Portman voted for Trade Promotion Authority which will make it easier to pass job  killing trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership. Join us this Thursday from 12:15 to 1pm at his office in...


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