Map of Syria
08 April 2017

1. Chemical weapons are worse than other weapons.

This is not the case. Death and dismemberment are horrific regardless of the weapon. No weapon is being used legally, morally, humanely, or practically in Syria or Iraq. U.S....

Cartoonish picture of gray haired man spraying water from a hose through his head
05 April 2017

As a journalist, you can often find out more from looking into someone’s eyes than listening to the words out of their mouths.

It might sound corny, but on Tuesday night in Flint, Michigan, where I hosted a town hall discussion...

White women with long dark hair and sunglasses holding sun that says Fair Food Taste Better
23 March 2017

Declarations of support for student fasters at OSU flood in as fast enters Day 4: National Farm Worker Ministry, T’ruah, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee send blistering statements to Wendy’s, OSU administration;


Black medic bag with red First Aid symbol on it
02 March 2017

Just days after the Columbus police pepper-sprayed hundreds of protesters near the Statehouse who were rallying against Trump’s executive order on immigration, two Street Medics led a Health and Safety Workshop for protesters in a...

Long shot of firey emission out of smokestack
02 February 2017

“We The People” in Ohio just had another nail pounded into the casket lid of our “presumed Democracy.” Our constitutional right to pass our own local laws in our communities is now all but disallowed. Over the past two years, we have...

Single Payer health cate logo
17 January 2017

On January 4th, the Senate voted to begin debate on a budget resolution which is widely seen as the first step on the road to repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The 51-48 vote was unsurprisingly along party lines...


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