Older white man with mouth open, his face in an astronaut helmet and outfit against blackness of space and a moon in the background
14 August 2018

The Commander-in-Chief, President Donald Trump, has announced a new mission into the realm of martial excess. It is one that will surely enrich the aerospace industry while spreading the global battlefield to a new dimension.


Soliders in the background and words Demilitarize the United States and the world
07 August 2018

AUGUST 6, 2018—On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, followed three days later by an attack on Nagasaki. Tens of thousands perished within seconds. For some who died, the only evidence they...

Three people standing in front of etched sign on wall
03 August 2018

Most Columbus residents assume that our city is safe from the fracking industry. It is not. There are currently 13 injection wells of toxic radioactive frack waste in the Upper Scioto Watershed area, Columbus’ source water protection...

Bald man with glasses next to a young white woman holding a medicine bottle with a balloon quote saying Now's a great time to try... and at the top the words "Mind you own fucking business"
01 August 2018

Progressive activist Joe Motil has often gone in front of Columbus City Council on a Monday night urging them to not hand out another tax break, and he recently spoke out against a tax-abatement proposal for CoverMyMeds, which is owned...

Someone in a Klan hood reaching out with his hand in a group of people
30 July 2018

Congress took the first steps to make Klansmen and neo-Nazis a special protected class of citizen with special protection when on July 8, Congressman Daniel Donovan (R-NY) introduced the “Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018.” It is currently...


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