Black and white photo with people in winter coats outside gathered in a group behind a white banner with black letters saying The Whole Damn System is Guilty as Hell
30 January 2018

Who knew there were so many socialists and anti-capitalists in Columbus, Ohio?

If you go to rallies and demonstrations and meetings across this city, you’re sure to see the participation or leadership of one socialist group or...

A black marijuana leaf with a medical symbol in the middle
29 January 2018

You’re busy and don’t have time to look up the details on Ohio’s new medical marijuana program. We’re here to help with, well, a cheat sheet. You know, that quick fine print synopsis hidden under your sleeve. Destruct once done. Let’s...

19 January 2018
An unarmed juvenile was shot and killed in the Franklin County Courthouse Wednesday, January 18. Listen to radio interview with Constance Gadell Newton about it:
14 January 2018

We are currently in the political twilight zone. Nothing concrete has been affected since the tax reform vote, and Congress hasn’t been back in session long enough to do its usual damage. Plenty has been said, but it is not yet clear...

Photo of men and women posing and facing the camera all wearing long black robes in front of a dark red curtain
07 January 2018

Millions of Ohio voters have tried to vote on Election Day over the past 15 years only to find their names were erased from the pollbooks.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)...

The words Cannabis Expertise in the top right corner and at the bottom is the leveque lincoln tower
05 January 2018

Medical cannabis laws were signed into effect in June of 2016 and Ohio has been working on the rules, regulations and guidelines since. The Ohio State Medical Association has approved Extra Step Assurance’s division, Cannabis...


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