
Upside down flag
23 April 2016

Congressional Briefing April 21, 2016: "How Voter Suppression Efforts Are Threatening Our Democracy"

"It is democracy time!" were words that led into this historic congressional briefing, "How Voter Suppression...

Women United for Change logo
19 April 2016
WHAT   Educational and advocacy event to learn more about legislative solutions to issues impacting women.  

WHEN Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

WHERE Trinity...

Vote sign
31 March 2016

Disturbing signs of the time-tested “Strip and Flip” strategy for stealing elections have already surfaced in 2016. Will they ultimately decide the outcome, as they have in too many recent elections?

The core approach is to STRIP...

WalMart logo
30 March 2016

You just got off of work and need to stop at a place where you can make a bank deposit, pick up a gallon of milk, find a new blouse for your interview the next day and...

Readi Kilowatt and Brutus
29 March 2016

Privatization is becoming the policy de joure at Ohio State University, but students and university employees are left out of the discussions.

As OSU’s leadership has shifted, many community members have become concerned...

Toledo Move to Amend logo
17 March 2016

On Tuesday, March 15 nearly 64% of Toledo’s citizens voted YES on ISSUE 1 in support of a constitutional amendment to abolish corporate constitutional rights and money as speech.

As a result of this initiative,...


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