02 October 2023

“Well, what you wanna do?” I asked Jean again. 

We were still standing in the same spot. Wasting time. For all we knew the shooter was watching our butts while here we stood in plain sight, like dummies, because of her.


Burning bus
01 October 2023

In 1946 the Supreme Court ruled in Morgan v. Virginia that segregated travel on interstate buses was unconstitutional, thus sending the separate-but-equal doctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) teetering.

In spite of...

01 October 2023

Every Sunday until Election Day, we’re canvassing for reproductive freedom and to enshrine the right to an abortion in the Ohio Constitution.
We need your help to talk to our neighbors about making a plan to vote YES on Issue 1...

Empty beer can on the ground outside at night
30 September 2023

As I demonstrate in previous essays, the “city” of Columbus, Ohio and The Ohio State University are two peas in a decaying pod. (See references below.)The intertwined failings of the two disorganized, anti-constituent, private-...

Logo with photo of Angelica
30 September 2023

Artistic. Natural. Gracious. Eclectic. Loving. Intelligent. Courageous. Adventurous. What other adjectives might describe Angelica Warren? With her passing on September 2nd, she’s now the stuff of legend, or at least...

29 September 2023

Many thought leaders now recognize that incremental reforms, although useful, are not sufficient to propel the radical changes needed to transition to a future that avoids catastrophic climate chaos. As noted earlier, the poly crises we...


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