
24 May 2023

When it comes to major road projects in Central Ohio, MORPC – the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission – is a big power player. So is ODOT, of course. As Columbus and its suburbs continue to grow seemingly out-of-...

Details about event
24 May 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 7-10pm, The Citadel, 1761 Parsons Ave.

Stand in solidarity with Cuba at our upcoming “Cuba Night” with IFCO [Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization] and Pastors for Peace!

On Wednesday May 24...

23 May 2023

In order to witness firsthand Andy Ginther’s show of force and willingness to “spend whatever it takes to make our city safe” I walked the sidewalks of the Short North for nearly one hour on Friday night.

The police presence was...

22 May 2023

Monday May 22, 2023, 2:30 PM and Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 5:00 PM
Ohio Beyond Coal Sierra Club.  Please consider giving a brief testimony and telling the PUCO to deny this unjust charge! If you’re interested in speaking...

Men looking intense
20 May 2023

You might already know why the BlackBerry failed; if not, you can always search for the reason on your iPhone. Instead, I recommend watching the biographical comedy-drama directed by Matt Johnson, which cleverly blends sharp wit with...

20 May 2023

By Colemanville, I refer to undemocratic, unrepresentative ragged-edged principality of Columbus’ power elite dominated by the now more powerful former mayor Michael Coleman and his self-appointed Columbus Downtown Development...


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