Details about event
16 April 2022

Saturday, April 16, 1pm, Ohio Statehouse

Join us to tell Ohio legislators that we have had enough of bigoted right-wing legislation!...

Chart of where tax money goes
15 April 2022

War tax resisters are taking to the streets to call for an end to endless war. They are divesting from the taxes that fund war and investing in people, planet, and justice. The United States’ endless war on terror is continuing with...

Harvey Graff
14 April 2022

I call the public’s attention to today’s radical, unprecedented, unconstitutional, and inhumane campaign to ban books in schools. It combines intersecting dimensions that span history, education, child development, and respect for the...

People marching holding sign
14 April 2022

The Caravan for Water and Life has run through much of central Mexico, backed by the National Indigenous Congress (CNI). The Caravan’s goal is to raise awareness of how the subsidiary of Danone multinational corporation, Bonafont, for...

Students holding signs
14 April 2022

The Kenyon Student Worker Organizing Committee has been fighting for improved working conditions on Kenyon’s campus for the better part of 2 years and Kenyon College is quietly at the forefront of union-busting amongst the higher-...

Westerville Starbucks
13 April 2022

This morning, workers at the Westerville Starbucks, 533 South State Street, petitioned the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for a union election to join the Starbucks Workers United...


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