Friday, April 1, 5:30-9:30pm, Gokul Cafe, 2685 Federated Blvd.
If you feel like being foolish (or not) on April Fool’s Day, join us at Gokul Cafe for appetizers, a dinner buffet, and karaoke! Gokul Cafe has some of the best vegan...
Friday, April 1, 5:30-9:30pm, Gokul Cafe, 2685 Federated Blvd.
If you feel like being foolish (or not) on April Fool’s Day, join us at Gokul Cafe for appetizers, a dinner buffet, and karaoke! Gokul Cafe has some of the best vegan...
Thursday, March 31, 2-4pm, Ohio Statehouse Atrium
The Heartbeat Movement, in partnership with Dream Corps Justice, is holding Ohio’s inaugural day of action for unity in the community to plan for community development and criminal...
Joe Motil, former Columbus City Council candidate and longtime community advocate who is strongly considering running for Mayor in 2023 states that, “Mayor Ginther’s continued Enterprise Zone tax abatement hand outs at the Rickenbacker...
Ohio State administration and the Department of Public Safety are using crime reports to manipulate how our community understands safety, and we let them get away with it.
Between July and September 2021, Ohio State blasted out 14...
Last year Congress increased military spending. It does that every year. But last year it did it in a particularly disturbing way. President Biden asked for a $12 billion increase. Republicans asked for a $25 billion...
Something lawless, heartbreaking, and cruel happened last night in Columbus. In open defiance of the Ohio Constitution and the Ohio Supreme Court, a majority of the GOP members of the Commission plotted...