
Details about event
10 April 2021

Saturday, April 10, 7-8pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom

"The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth." ~ Chief Seattle

Since we aren’t getting together in person, we can gather for a couple of...

Details about event
09 April 2021

Saturday, April 10, 12 noon
Ohio Statehouse

The Ohio Legislature is proposing bills that are so broad, peacefully protesting would be fair game for Felony convictions and exorbitant fines. One such bill (SB 33) goes into...
Black woman
09 April 2021

When we recently spoke with Cynthia Brown she was driving around town on a sunny Saturday morning visiting “every activist event” in Central Ohio that day.

Brown is seeking roughly 1,000 signatures needed by the Ohio Attorney...

Boycott Wendy's sign
09 April 2021

Friday, April 9, 2021, 12:00 PM
Farmworkers have suffered during COVID from horrific working and living conditions, loss of family members, abuse, and deprivation we can only imagine. They are calling on us to do...

Police spraying pepper spray
08 April 2021

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 8:00 PM
Hear from local communities about the ways communities are criminalized and surveilled, the impact, and how community members have organized to push back.  

Miriam Vargas
07 April 2021
Miriam Vargas and her family recently moved from sanctuary in First English Lutheran Church into their own apartment.   It is a time of joy and celebration for them. An outdoor gathering later in the Spring or early Summer is being planned...


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