Slot machines
13 March 2020

Nothing like an impending apocalypse to let us know what’s truly important to our politicians. We commend Gov. Mike DeWine for his much-needed actions fighting the coronavirus, but he hasn’t forced the closure of the state’s casinos,...

Woman holding a pro-choice sign
12 March 2020

A new bill, House Bill 538, was introduced that would automatically ban abortion in Ohio following a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning or severely limiting the Roe v. Wade decision. Addressing this new...

John Scales Avery
12 March 2020

A new freely downloadable book

I would like to announce the publication of a book, which discusses the most serious dangers which the world faces today. The book may be freely downloaded and circulated from the following link:...

People holding signs
11 March 2020

Wed, March 11, 6:30pm
First UU Church, 93 W Weisheimer Rd.
We invite you to join the Ohio Poor People’s Campaign in Columbus on Wednesday, March 11th for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington (...

CCBOR logo
10 March 2020

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 5:00 – 9:00 PM
Join us (...

Journey of Hope people with banner
08 March 2020

Monday, March 9, 2020, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Please join us to hear these powerful voices of experience with murder, the death penalty, and how we can do better to meet the needs of murder victim families in Ohio. This is...


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