Johnny Cash
08 February 2020

February means Valentine's Day and Valentines mean love therefore this column is just brimming with the stuff.

My first shout-out: Johnny Cash.

I've been reading Robert Hilburn's excellent bio on the Man In Black, Johnny...

Merry go round
08 February 2020

State-run parole and probation programs are designed to keep persons convicted of crimes – including a very large number of non-violent crimes – out of prison. But in Ohio, according to a recent Council of State Governments study, “...

Botanist dispensary building
07 February 2020

Let’s talk about strains. The word strain has many meanings: there are musical strains, muscular strains, and, yes, marijuana strains. The latter is what one looks for when purchasing cannabis from a dispensary.

Granted, in...

People at party
07 February 2020

Saturday, February 8, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St., east side door
Parking in side driveway, back parking lot or street
Free, no RSVP required
Join progressive friends for socializing, networkings,...

Solar generator
05 February 2020

Saturday, February 8, 1-5pm
First English Lutheran Church, 1015 East Main Street, Columbus

It is a hot summer afternoon (or worse yet, a brutally cold winter’s morning).  The power goes out.  It may be only for an hour.  ...

Book cover
05 February 2020

Generally speaking, I don’t comment on or criticize the voting behavior of others. As old folks used to say when I was growing up, my mouth ain’t no prayer book. But if I live to be one hundred, I will never understand why any black...


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