Boy doing a jump n a skateboard over a railing
11 July 2018

Thursday, June 21 was Go Skate Day, which was changed to Sunday because of rain. Last time I tried to Go Skate during Go Skate Day I manage to manual a curb. A manual is a trick where you ollie up onto a surface and either coast on your...

A line drawing of a doorway with a rounded top a book in front with a tree growing out of it and a banner going across saying Bexley
11 July 2018

Wednesday, July 11; Wednesday, September 12; and Wednesday, November 14; 6:30-8:30pm, Bexley Public Library, 2411 E. Main St.

Why does the mere mention of the term “white privilege” seem to shut down meaningful dialogue? Why is...

Scene in downtown with tall office buildings lots of people in the streets with protest signs, a lot of police and a tepee looking wooden structure
10 July 2018

Anti-ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) activists shut down city streets around ICE headquarters in downtown Columbus, attempted to occupy the ICE office, and erected a two-story wooden tripod structure in front of the building...

People at rally holding banner reading Crush ICE borders kill
08 July 2018

Monday, July 9, 9-11am, Ohio Statehouse

ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is not just tearing apart families of undocumented people at the border. Here in Ohio, that agency is actively working to target, harass, and...

Letters O-R-G with the opening of the O being the shape of the state of Ohio and underneath the words Ohio Rights Group
07 July 2018

You’ve come a long way baby. Medical marijuana is now legal in Ohio. A bill passed, establishing an industry that will serve a significant portion of the state’s patient population. Certified physicians will recommend cannabis to those...

Charicature of a white man with receding hairline and a suit looking worried
07 July 2018

My recent absence from The Columbus Free Press was thanks to a family trip to the land down under. I temporarily escaped the tire fire that is modern America and headed to Australia where the kangaroos run free and the...


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