
Yellow triangle with security camera with an eye on the screen above black words on yellow saying Jonathan Coulton Solid State excalamation point
01 August 2017

I have been a Jonathan Coulton fan for a few years. I can’t even remember where I heard of him first – his body of work entertains songs about science to pure satire of anything ranging from pop culture to politics.  One thing is for...

Man speaking into bullhorn and crowd with Jewish Voices for Peace sign
31 July 2017

Eighty peope from Columbus and all over Ohio came together Saturday, July 29 at noon to protest the Congressional vote to send $705 million of taxpayer dollars for the US-Israel Missile Defense Partnership.

There is also an...

31 July 2017

Tuesday, August 1, 7pm
Dempsey's 346 S High St, Columbus, OH 43215
The healthcare bill is dead and it's time to celebrate! Join us at Dempsy's for fun and food. We can celebrate while writing thank you cards to send to the...

Red and black background with words Gaza, Save Gaza
28 July 2017

Saturday, July 29, 12noon
Ohio Statehouse, Broad and High Streets
For a decade, Israel has enforced a military blockade over two million Palestinians in Gaza. Now, people in Gaza only have an average of 3 hours of...

Blue, pink an white flag background with words take action for trans rights
27 July 2017
Thursday, July 27-29, 5:30-9pm
Goodale Park march to Statehouse
Facebook Event
Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Org, Equitas Health, HRC Columbus,Equality...
Black and white drawing of four black activists and signs that say Drop the Charges and BlackPride4
25 July 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 8-11pm
Lincoln Cafe, 740 E. Long St.
Join us for a spoken word open mic night to fundraise for the #BlackPride4!! ...


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