
14 November 2016

Protests and vigils in Columbus last week focused largely on fear of President-elect Donald Trump, outrage at his supporters, and grief over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton losing the election. But while over 200 demonstrators had...

People marching at Standing Rock
14 November 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 3-5pm, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 5905 Lewis Center Rd., Lewis Center, Ohio

Join us Tuesday [November 15] in front of the Lewis Center office of the Army Corps of Engineers. We will demand that...

Boy standing on beach
11 November 2016

If I told you Moonlight is about an African-American boy growing up in a world of drugs and poverty, you’d probably begin to form an image of the film in your mind. And that image probably would be wrong.


11 November 2016

Hundreds joined a protest against President-elect Donald Trump at the Statehouse on November 10. The turnout was encouraging. The messaging probably gave protesters a needed catharsis. But more needs to be done to direct the momentum...

Flyer for the movie
08 November 2016

Thursday, November 10 @ 7pm
The Hub, 1336 East Main Street, Columbus
$5 requested donation
"The film builds its case piece by shattering piece, inspiring levels of shock and outrage...

Hillary Clinton talking into a mic
05 November 2016

Why, why, why, are people saying that we should prepare to hold Hillary Clinton accountable once she is in office? Why on Earth isn’t everybody doing that right now? Are we seriously going to gift her the White House and ...


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