
Woman holding sign against Jon Husted
29 September 2016

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted may have stepped out of bounds by keeping “community bill of rights” proposals off the ballot in Ohio. Residents of Medina, Athens and Fulton counties gathered required signatures to place proposed...

Building made to look like a monster
29 September 2016

Attack of the Mixed-Use Monsters

Across Columbus and its suburbs mixed-use developments, which often include high-end condos, parking garages, office space, retail and entertainment, are either up-and-running, under construction...

Wrecked car under a tree
29 September 2016

Three-C Body Shops is a lot like The Columbus Free Press. Both are fiercely independent and locally owned. And if you haven’t noticed, both are outspoken and unafraid to take on corporate bullies. Three-C and the Free Press are...

27 September 2016

When Columbus residents come to City Hall to voice their concerns, City Council members always thank them for their advocacy, often in tones that stop just short of being patronizing. The City Council meeting on September 26 was no...

Black people holding a banner that says "Knee for Tyye, Black Kids Matter"
25 September 2016

Monday, September 26, 4:30-6:30pm, Columbus City Hall, 90 W. Broad St.

Please, Join us at City Hall to demand Justice For Ty're King and Henry Green and safety for our city's children! 

The killing of children and...

Person's hand above water with drops dripping off
22 September 2016

Nonprofit Organizations Join to Demand Reform of Rogue Agency

Washington, DC – More than 180 ...


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