
[The below description is by the Ohio Student Association]

Thursday, April 23

Wrestling with the Role of Faith in Activism

Whether we consider ourselves primarily rooted in faith communities or social movements, the connections between the two are easily observed, but often complicated to process and navigate our feelings about and goals for. Join local leaders (Susan K. Smith, Robert L. Caldwell Jr., Wendy Tarr and Robb Tarr) that are rooted in the bridge between faith and activism for a night of instruction, inquiry, and inspiration.

Contact: 614.206-4531 or Aramis Sundiata,

[The below description is by Summit on 16th United Methodist Church]

Faith & Activism Night, April 23

Explore Connections and Wrestle with Tensions from 6-8pm

Summit has a deep rootedness in a passion for God’s justice for our broken world in our worship and service, a rich history of working to see that justice made manifest in the world, and strong connections with partners who have the same vision and do the same work. Still, living out these aspects of faith in active ways as part of social movements is complex and not always easy, especially in the current still-developing climate of activism.

Many people who feel deeply rooted in faith and try to express it through activism find themselves as one thread in a tapestry of perspectives and world views in a movement, and knowing how best to carry that faith in such a context can be a challenge. Many people who feel deeply rooted in activism have experienced faith partners, but also opposition from certain people and institutions associated with faith and can feel unsure or even suspicious about how well faith really can integrate into their circles and work. Many of us in the broad Summit community have likely identified with either or both of those perspectives at one time or another.

As a further expression of Summit’s legacy, and to give an opportunity for anyone exploring tensions like those described above in their own lives, their own encounter with God, their own work for social change, we will host a night for learning about and discussing these very questions, and for finding support and encouragement in the effort.

We hope you’ll join Robert Caldwell, Rev. Susan Smith, and Wendy and Robb Tarr from 6-8pm on Thursday April 23 if this sounds connected to things you’ve been thinking or feeling at all lately. It should be a powerful night of instruction, inquiry, and inspiration.

Contact: 614-291-3324 or Rob Tarr,


Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 6:00pm

Event Type: