Join Sierra Club, Ohio Citizen Action, Public Citizen, the Ohio Organizing Collaborative and others as we take a stand against “dirty energy bailouts” in Ohio at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), 180 E. Broad St.
In late February, the PUCO rejected AEP’s request to raise rates to bailout out their share of the Kyger Creek and Cliffty Creek coal plants. April 13th marks the beginning of legal proceedings for FirstEnergy’s bailout proposal, a request that, according to the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, would skyrocket rates $3 billion, and, if successful, would make it more likely that other “dirty energy bailout” requests could be approved as well.
The PUCO has set a precedent to reject the other coal bailouts and we need to make sure that happens. Here in Central Ohio, we had helped stop AEP’s first request; now it’s time to stop these bailout requests once and for all.
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