Articles by Author

Photo showing an atomic blast at the bottom morping into a tree at the top
05 August 2015

What conditions bring peace? What conditions bring war? How do people address them?  Many families and communities have split over these topics, as they can...

Billboard with a little girl and talking abou human trafficking
03 July 2015

Human traffickers do not discriminate when it comes to their victims, according to Amy O’Grady, director for criminal justice initiatives for the...

04 June 2015

Ralph Walters was once a normal guy.  But then something bizarre happened. A retired elementary school Spanish teacher bit him on the arm, giving...

   Photo 1: David Cullison and his partner Bret Richards (a.k.a. Hellin Bedd), of Columbus, have been engaged for 1-1/2 years.
04 June 2015

At a recent gathering some homosexual men were discussing the salary one spends on an engagement ring. “Someone told me four months, but I think...