Central Ohioans for Peace Events Aug. 6-9, 2015
Movie poster from Message from Hiroshima

Aug. 6: Peace Vigil at Goodale Park Gazebo and Pond, Park Street and Buttles Avenue, northeast side of the park. 7:30-8:30pm for a sunset ceremony marking the 70th year of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

Aug. 7: "Message from Hiroshima" film, Belle's Bread in Kenny Centre, 5pm. Narrated by George Takai, This powerful and intimate documentary provides an inside look at the devastating effects of the first atomic bomb ever used, as depicted in heart wrenching testimonials from survivors, and computer generated recreations of the city and way of life that were lost.

Aug. 8: Peace Conference at First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 Weisheimer Road, Columbus. 10am-4pm. The History calls US to resist Wars and Oppression. Participants include John Carlarne, Greg Elish, Julie Hart, Ruben Herrera, Kevin Kamps, Janet McLaughlin, Marc Simon, Aramis Sundiata and Harvey Wasserman.

Aug. 9: World Premier of Taubes VII (Hiroshima Set) by Rocco DiPietro. Gathering at 7:30pm. Public Concert featuring original music by local composer Rocco DiPietro and musicians that reflect on reflection and commitment to a world of peace, justice and ecological balance. Featuring Weiyi Pan (gu zheng), Larry Marotta (guitar), David Nelson Tomassaci (trombone), Romulo Vazquez (Asian instruments), and Rocco DiPietro (piano). The concert will be in Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue.