
Cartoon of red-haired girl Wendy character inside a circle with a line through it, the No sign, and #Boycott Wendy's above

Saturday, March 26, 2017
1:00 PM. Gather at Goodale Park, 120 W Goodale St. Columbus, OH
COLUMBUS! What are we hungry for?
From March 20 to 26, Columbus community members will be holding a week of action in support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers Return to Human Rights Tour spreading the word about the Wendy's boycott, which arrives in Columbus on March 24. 
The major highlight of their entire tour will be the Parade for Human Rights - parading down High St from Goodale Park to OSU's campus on Sunday, March 26th at 1pm. Join us! 
As thousands prepare to coalesce in Columbus, we are building our local fight against human rights abuses and corporate ownership of our city. More than ever, we need a movement for human rights that fights for justice for all people.