
Tuesday, May 23, 5:30-7pm, the Bluestone [the former First Baptist Church building], 583 E. Broad St.

Columbus has a problem with poor City leadership accountability. Mayor Andrew Ginther, City Council, and the Columbus Police Department [CPD] are only interested in protecting their “friends” over working families that are priced out of their neighborhoods, and Black communities are left to bury their loved ones at the hands of the police.

This Tuesday at the Bluestone, Mayor Ginther is hosting a dinner for his friends, at $500 to $5000 a plate, as families struggle to make ends meet, and the community is left to support the grieving families of Henry Green, Tyre King, Jaron Thomas, and other Black residents who have been followed, harassed, or killed by CPD.

Columbus families, workers, and activists will be hosting a joint press conference to present Mayor Ginther with a check to “buy” his friendship and demand that he cease in his false praise of Columbus as the best place to work, live, and raise a family until he publicly commits to #BanTheJumpOutBoys by ending the fatal Community Safety Initiative and to #FireOfficerRosen, #FireOfficerMason, and #FireOfficerBare. Only then will Columbus be one step closer to being safe, healthy, and just for all.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 5:30pm

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