Our opponents are relentlessly attacking women’s health from every angle. Even when it’s not in the headlines, it’s happening practically every day.Tell the Trump administration: Hands off women’s health care!
Here’s why every abortion-rights activist should care about the latest attack on women’s health:
- The National Partnership worked closely with allies in Congress and the Obama administration to prohibit discrimination in health care against women, the LGBTQ community and others.
- We won robust anti-discrimination protections in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well as new requirements that insurance plans cover essential women’s health services like birth control without cost-sharing, maternity and newborn care and more.
- The Trump administration wants to undo our hard-fought progress and eliminate these critical protections.
- The latest battle centers on a draft policy — a.k.a. proposed rule CMS-9924-P — that would expand short-term health plans that discriminate against women.
- This would mean more people purchase insurance plans that exclude coverage for women’s reproductive health services, like abortion, charge women higher rates than men, deny coverage for pre-existing conditions or deny coverage altogether. It would mean more plans exclude coverage for gender transition-related services as well.
This discriminatory and dangerous proposed rule is another disturbing reminder of the Trump administration’s hostility toward women and the LGBTQ community.
It’s simply unacceptable. And it’s why we must stand up and speak out against proposed rule CMS-9924-P!
There isn’t a moment to lose!
Take action: The administration is required to review all public comments submitted by the April 23 deadline. Speak out and be counted. Right now!
Together, let’s make sure our opponents know women are watching, and we will fight back to protect women's health and economic security.
Thank you!
Debra Ness