Sunday, June 17, 6:30-8:30pm
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.
Bring something tasty to share with others and, if you wish, bring a card with the ingredients so all our varied diet preferences can be accommodated. If it is a special dish you believe will be particularly well received, by all means, bring a copy of the recipe. We are developing a CSTB "Cookbook" and are always pleased to add new dishes to the selection! Bring your own reusable plates if you can, to reduce the wash up necessary after the event. We try to avoid single-use materials, wherever possible!
If you have something you no longer want that others may appreciate, bring it to the "sharing table". We only request that, if it doesn't find a new home, please take it home with you. (We don't have a used product dispensing system!)
We'll have the usual table discussions and introduction of newcomers, but then - the rest of the evening will be something completely different!