Half circles around each other green and blue and a gray L with words Citizens Climate Lobby Columbus Ohio

Help us keep all the options open for climate solutions. Call your U.S. Representative today and tell him/her to vote NO on the anti-carbon tax resolution H Res Con 119, “Expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy.” A vote is expected on Wednesday or Thursday.

You can use Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s online calling toolcclusa.org/voteno119   It gives you the phone number for your U.S. Representative, a brief script, and a way to report your call.  It’s fine to call after hours and leave a message (though not all Representatives enable that).

By voting NO on H. Con. Res. 119, members of Congress can ensure the most efficient, market-based solution to climate change stays on the table. CCL Rebuttal to H.Con.Res.119

Please call your U.S. Representative right away! 

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Thank you for your support.