Clouds in the background and the words Climate Leviathan

Sunday, July 22, 2-4pm
Northside Branch Columbus Metro Library, 1423 N. High
Climate change is the greatest existential threat to humanity. Even though we’ve understood the effects of human activity on the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, our political and economic structure, fueled by capitalist greed, only exacerbates our planetary crisis. While heads of state gather occasionally to promise, but never fulfill, a reduction in CO2 emissions, the poorest among us bear the most dire consequences of climate change. People who can’t afford proper shelter, or even air conditioning, suffer in record-breaking heat. Super-storms level entire cities and regions, and private companies reap the rewards at the expense of the neediest. Drying lakes and rivers spark competition for corporate control of fresh water. Refugees flee climate-ravaged areas, and agents of wealthy, polluting countries round them into camps and call them criminals. 

While we cannot predict *how* our society will adapt to climate change, we can be certain that the status quo will not hold. In their new book Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future, Geoff Mann and Joel Wainwright discuss how the structure of power will be reworked in the face of this monumental crisis. Columbus DSA is honored to welcome Joel Wainwright to discuss the political implications of climate change at Northside Library (Meeting Rooms 2 and 3) on July 22, 2018 from 2:00-4:00pm. 

Climate Leviathan can be purchased from Verso Books here: Print and electronic versions are available, and the proceeds go to climate justice activism. A PDF sample of the preface and first two chapters can be found here: