Sunday, October 14, 5-8pm, TRISM, 1636 N. High St.
Gift to Be Simple is Simply Living’s premier annual fundraiser, but it is more than that. It is an opportunity to learn, to share, and to enjoy healthy, quality food together. The chefs of TRISM, an A&R Creative Group enterprise well known for The Crest Gastropubs, will prepare a variety of appetizers; desserts will be provided by Cornucopia and there will be a cash bar. Anna and The Consequences will entertain us again with their jazz, pop, and blues music.
Tickets for the event are $50 and include an annual membership. For those who are unable to attend or who want to make an additional donation to their ticket purchase, please note the “Donation” option. To pay for tickets at the door, go to the “Ticket” button, select “Payment,” use the drop-down menu and select “Pay at the door.” This helps TRISM so that they will prepare the correct amount of food!
Simply Living is pleased to present visionary David Orr as this year’s speaker. His career as a scholar, professor, writer, speaker, and entrepreneur spans fields as diverse as environment and politics, environmental education, campus greening, green building, ecological design, and climate change. He is the author of seven books, some of which will be on display. We are delighted and honored to be able to hear his insights, vision, and guidance on our shared path forward to a sustainable future!