Saturday, November 17, 12:30 PM
Northwood-High Building, Room 100, 2231 N High St.
Columbus DSA Socialist Night School presents: Socialism and Electoral Politics: What are the possibilities and limitations for Leftists in electoral politics? When most people think about politics, they picture elected representatives making decisions and writing laws in lavish buildings far away from home. But electoral politics represent only one avenue for taking power. While it may be valuable to pour money and time into electing candidates that better represent a Leftist perspective, these efforts must be undertaken as part of a broader strategy to build a more just world. In this session, we will consider the possibilities and limitations for the Left in American electoral politics, and discuss how to get involved in worthwhile electoral efforts. We will discuss the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections and especially the success of DSA candidates across the country. RSVP to the event on Facebook! Reading for discussion: DSA National Electoral Strategy, "A Blueprint for a New Party" Seth Ackerman, Jacobin
"Should We Participate in Bourgeois Parliaments?" , Vladimir Lenin, "Marxists and Elections" Paul D'Amato, Socialist Worker, "American elections ranked worst among Western democracies. Here’s why." Pippa Norris, The Conversation.