Thursday, November 29, 6-8pm
Northside Branch Columbus Library, 1423 N. High St.
Come find out how you can Join the movement to ABOLISH ICE!
As you know, resistance is hard work and living in an increasingly fascist state is exhausting. Abolish ICE COH is having another monthly organization meeting! Join us at the Northside Library from 6-8 pm on Thursday, November 29th in meeting room 2.
#AbolishICE Central Ohio is a civil rights action group joining the national movement to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
ICE (created in 2003), is a product of the opportunistic and frenzied political reorganization that happened in the wake of 9/11, in turn, conflating all immigrants with terrorists. Past administrations set the table for the Trump regime to make it the gestapo force that targets all migrants & refugees. ICE is not just tearing apart families of undocumented people at the border. Here in Ohio, the agency is actively working to target, harass, and criminalize immigrants, directly furthering the Trump regime's cruel white nationalist agenda.
We are here to abolish ICE from Columbus and polarize people against the police state. Our success can be measured through our mobilization of existing and new activists, engagement with directly impacted populations, and divestment of local institutions from ICE.