From the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence: Governor Kasich needs your support to veto HB 228 – the Stand Your Ground Gun Legislation: Although he is saying he doesn't like the bill as passed - (see the Cinci Enquirer) - we need to let him know that we are counting on him to veto it. He needs to veto it this week. At the end of a session there are many bills that will need his approval or veto. Let him know how important it is that he veto this one. Please call his office with your message and ask him to veto HB228. Governor Kasich's office 614.466.3555.
From Ohioans to Stop Executions. The Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee, in a bipartisan vote, voted HB 81 favorably 9-3 out of committee. This is the first step to passing legislation that would prevent individuals with severe mental illness from receiving a death sentence. The Ohio House could vote on HB 81 this week, so we need you to call Speaker of the House Ryan Smith at 614-466-1366 and urge him to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. You can also click here to find your legislator and give them a call urging them to vote in favor of HB 81. It's time for Ohio to stop executing people with severe mental illness.
From Pro Choice Ohio: Last week we scored a critical delay in the Ohio Senate, but the committee hearing the six-week abortion ban bill will still be holding one last hearing next week. While we anticipated this hearing, and do not feel that it will change the outcome of this abortion ban, we still want to remain vigilant. Can you call Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof at (614) 466-7505? Tell him that you oppose the six-week abortion ban and to not hold a vote on the bill. This reminder is still needed to reinforce that this abortion ban is wrong for Ohio.
Other updates:
Amended 'Heartbeat' Abortion Ban Passes Senate
House Passes Omnibus Spending Bill, Insurance Legislation
SNAP, Business Franchise Measures Among Items To Pass Senate
Citizen-Initiated Amendment Proposal Stalls In House
Revised Pay Raise Bill Set For Thursday Vote
DeWine Names Agency Heads For OBM, Commerce, Public Safety
Early Voting Schedule Changes, Other Amendments In Works For Election Measure
Home Inspector Licensing Bill Clears Senate Committee
Mutilation Ban Bill Will Help Prosecutors, Proponent Says
Pharmacy Board Bill Amended To Allow Former Addicts To Provide Counseling