A ticket with an orange side with two people's faces and lots of info about the event

Monday, December 31, 2018, 10:00 PM
Join us online New Year's Eve for a national Watch Night Service in Raleigh, NC! The watch night service in 1862 was celebrated by enslaved and free African Americans, abolitionists, and others awaiting news that the Emancipation Proclamation would become law to free Blacks living in the South.  The national Watch Night Service in 2018 will bring together people of conscience to recommit ourselves to the fight against systemic racism, poverty, the war economy/militarism, ecological devastation and our nation's distorted moral narrative in 2019. We will hear from Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis as well as North Carolinians who understand why we must build a movement to end systemic racism, poverty, the war economy/militarism, ecological devastation and our nation's distorted moral narrative. This is a free event, and all are welcome! Join live in Raleigh or host a livestream of the Watch Night Service in your community to bring in 2019 with a resolution to move forward together, not one step back. Please send an email to lashton@breachrepairers.org if you will host a livestream watch party.  Hosted by Repairers of the BreachKairos Center, & NC Poor People's Campaign : A National Call For Moral Revival. Click here to register for the event:  http://bit.ly/WatchNight2018.  The event will also be broadcasted nationally from https://livestream.com/accounts/5188266/events/8496447