Blonde woman in pink shirt holding big sign above her head that says OAS: Don'ts support a coup in Venezuela

The U.S. is orchestrating a coup in Venezuela that is likely to lead to bloodshed — even civil war. Instead of meddling the internal affairs of another country, the U.S. should be supporting peaceful dialogue facilitated by mediators such as Mexico, Uruguay, and the Pope. We have seen, and are seeing now at the U.S.-Mexico border, the effects of past U.S. backed coups in Latin America — Guatemala in 1953, Chile in 1973, Honduras in 2009. It always turns out disastrous for the people.

Send a message now to the Democrats in Congress that they must not stay silent. So far only Senator Sanders and Representatives Khanna, Gabbard, Ocasio-Cortez, Lee, and Omar have spoken out and some — such as Sen. Dick Durbin and Rep. Adam Schiff—have actually supported Trump. Tell the Democrats to follow Senator Sanders and Representatives Khanna, Gabbard, Ocasio-Cortez, Lee, and Omar and call for peaceful dialogue. The coup attempt must be condemned.

As Reps. Tulsi Gabbard said, “We don't want other countries to choose our leaders — so we have to stop trying to choose theirs” and Rep. Ilhan Omar, “If we really want to support the Venezuelan people, we can lift the economic sanctions ... We should support dialogue, not a coup!”

If you live in the U.S. please send a direct message to the Democrats or if you live outside the U.S. please scroll down to sign the petition at this website:

Hands off Venezuela