
Woman against a blue sky

Saturday, March 30, 2019, 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM (doors open at 10:00 AM)
Human Rights vs Corporate Rights:  It’s Up to Us!  Move to Amend Ohio Network 7th Annual Gathering.  Keynote speaker:  Keyan Bliss.
Hear and find out how to duplicate Move to Amend successes from local activists across the state and around the country.  Connect with others committed to fundamental change to ending corporate constitutional rights and getting big money out of politics.  Deepen your understanding of corporate constitutional rights.  Acquire skills to become more effective local activists and organizers.  Take part in lobby training in preparation for our upcoming statewide Lobby Day to promote a Move to Amend resolution in the Ohio House and Senate. Be there!  End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy.  Move to Amend. Location:  First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus 43214.  Website:


Saturday, March 30, 2019, 2:00 – 5:00 PM. 
Awake – A Dream from Standing Rock Documentary Screening/Discussion.

This event is for people who want to glimpse into the world of current struggles of Indian Country and environmental activism. All water protectors in the area are invited to come, as are people wanting to learn more about the Standing Rock Movement of 2016. Those who have seen this doc, are also welcome to be with us during the screening.  Location:  Columbus Metropolitan Library, 1423 N. High St., Columbus 43201.  Facebook Event.