
Thursday, October 24, 5-8pm, Strongwater Food and Spirits, 401 W. Town St.

Columbus is changing! We are growing in so many ways that it can feel overwhelming. Our Simply Living community embraces change but we view it through the lens of sustainability. By acting mindfully in choosing the food we eat, the energy we use, where we spend and save our money, and in the countless decisions we make every day, we can each “make a difference” by doing our part in making the environment and our communities sustainable for future generations.

This year, we honor some remarkable individuals whose innovation and entrepreneurial efforts are Making a Difference in Columbus. Their work, each in their own way, is not only making our communities more sustainable but also more resilient, self-sufficient, healthier, and even wealthier. You will meet these leaders and hear their stories using the new “Pecha Kucha-style” presentations (20 seconds per each of 20 slides). You will learn the inside story of the new Columbus Garden School, the model for DIY [Do It Yourself] and sustainable living at Blue Rock Station, the local support services of the Economic and Community Development Institute, and the visionaries who created 400 Rich Street right here in Franklinton.

It was a challenge to select only four presentations but you will also learn about our business member sponsors whose work complements these pioneers. Join us for an unforgettable evening where you will be inspired to redouble your own efforts to Make a Difference!


Fundraiser for Simply Living.


Thursday, October 24, 2019 - 5:00pm


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