Black woman speaking into a mic

Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 8:00 – 10:00 PM
Join us for BQIC's monthly fundraiser, BQIC Speak up! Spoken Word and Open Mic. Come out and share your poems, songs, monologues, inner musings, and good encounters, bad days, good dates etc on the mic! LGBTQIA+ people of color take priority within the space! Entry is $5 suggested donation! We will have snacks and drinks for suggested donation as well.  All proceeds will go to our newly developed emergency fund for Black LGBTQIA + people. This fund will be devoted to Black LGBTQIA+ people who are in need of emergency funds to help with prevention of eviction, housing assistance, bail, medical expenses, transportation and other emergencies.  Location:  Art Outside the Lines, 485 E. Livingston Ave.  Facebook