Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Tis the season to gather with friends and celebrate reproductive freedom! Join us for a holiday happy hour to learn more about our work and to enjoy some holiday spirits. We’re also thrilled to be joining forces with Women Have Options - Ohio to launch our joint Abortion Care Package program at this event! Come make care packages and learn how you can bring this program to your own community or congregation in the New Year. Donate $5 at the door to get a complimentary drink ticket. Cash only please. All proceeds will benefit the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Location: Growl, 2995 N. High St., Columbus. Facebook.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 9:00AM – 3:00 PM. Advocacy in Advent: Proclaiming God’s justice that is breaking into the world! Sponsored by Hunger Network in Ohio. Join faith leaders from across Ohio in learning about the root causes of hunger and poverty in our communities, and what we can do about them. You will have an opportunity to meet with legislative leaders and their staff to talk with them as well. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! An opportunity for those who have never done advocacy to learn from experts about how to share your story and passion with public officials to create long-lasting change. Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus. Cost: $12.00. Register here.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. The Roots of Immigration: Learning from a recent visit to Honduras and Guatemala. What prompts people to leave their homes in Central America and make the perilous journey to the United States, not knowing if they will be allowed in? What are people there doing to provide alternatives to migrating? And how might we respond in a helpful way These are questions Peggy Gish, who recently returned from a learning tour to Honduras and Guatemala. Peggy will share photos, stories, and information she gathered, followed by a time for discussion. Location: Athens Public Library, 30 Home St., Athens, OH.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 8:00 – 10:00 PM. BQIC Spoken Word and Open Mic. Join us for BQIC's monthly fundraiser, BQIC Speak up! Spoken Word and Open Mic. Come out and share your poems, songs, monologues, inner musings, and good encounters, bad days, good dates etc on the mic! LGBTQIA+ people of color take priority within the space! Entry is $5 suggested donation! We will have snacks and drinks for suggested donation as well. All proceeds will go to our newly developed emergency fund for Black LGBTQIA + people. This fund will be devoted to Black LGBTQIA+ people who are in need of emergency funds to help with prevention of eviction, housing assistance, bail, medical expenses, transportation and other emergencies. Please also consider donating money, art supplies, and/or time to Art Outside the Lines which provides great art programs for people with disabilities. Location: Art Outside the Lines, 485 E Livingston Ave. More information on Facebook.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 7:00-8:15 PM. Webinar: Harvest of Shame: the Food on our Tables and the Conditions Farm Workers Face to Get it There. Presenter(s): Farmworker Staff of CIW: Uriel Zelaya-Perez. Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers for a conversation about the realities of sub-poverty wages, sexual violence, and forced labor hidden in the supply chains that bring food to our families' tables. A CIW farmworker will discuss the history of the CIW's movement for Fair Food and human rights, which has brought together farmworkers and consumers to harness the purchasing power of more than a dozen of the world's largest retail food companies. As a result, the CIW's farmworker-designed Fair Food Program has finally put an end to sexual harassment and assault for tens of thousands of workers. The CIW's ongoing corporate campaigns seek to expand the Fair Food Program's reach in order to ensure human rights protections for all workers. The national boycott of Wendy's, the only major fast-food company still refusing to participate in the FFP, was endorsed by the Presbyterian Church U.S.A and successively by other major faith bodies including the National Council of Churches, the United Church of Christ, and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Come and learn what you and your congregation can do to support farmworker human rights. Please register for webinars to receive Zoom online connection information. You can register HERE or at:
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Central Ohio Progressive Democrats of America. Meets monthly on the third Wednesday. Location: 1021 E. Broad St., Columbus in the carriage house on the second floor. Parking in back. Contact: for more information.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 11:00 AM. Public Utilities Committee Meeting. 7th Hearing and possible vote on S.B. 33. Modify criminal and civil law for critical infrastructure damage 7th Hearing Poss. Vote Cc: House Clerk Committee Members Committee Clerk Speaker's Office Assistant Majority Floor Leader's Office Caucus Staff Bill Sponsor Legislative Information Systems LSC Press Room Minority Leader's Office. Associated Files: SB 33 witness slip[11487].pdf. Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus. Room 116.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 5:00 PM. Women Wednesday Benefit for NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. his week for Women Wednesday we are donating $1 per drink to NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio to help fight the dangerous and oppressive legislation that Ohio is trying to enact. Abortion access and reproductive freedom affects millions of women across the country and for 50 years NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio has been fighting for those rights. From NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, "This legislature is obsessed with using medically inaccurate information to pass anti-abortion legislation and harm the people of Ohio. All of the abortion bills they are considering — the ones getting headlines and the ones that aren’t — are dangerous. None of these bills should be passed and signed into law. Even as we head into the holidays, NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio is working with partner organizations and pro-choice legislators to combat these bans."
Please stop by this Wednesday and help us raise money for this very important cause! Location: St. James Tavern, 1057 N. 4th St., Columbus 43201. Facebook.
Wednesday, December 11th, 2019, 6:30-8:30 PM. Radical Solidarity: Faith in Public Life Ohio. Together, we have had a full year fighting for justice in Ohio. We have continued the fight for a Columbus that is safe for all communities and stood with our immigrant neighbors, Edith and Miriam, who continue to live in sanctuary in local houses of worship. We have grieved the loss of beloved community members and lit candles in memory of those who have lost their lives to drug overdose.
Despite the politics of the day, we have shown what radical solidarity looks like. Take an evening to reflect on what we’ve accomplished together with radical solidarity in Ohio and a breath to prepare for all that is yet to come in 2020. Tickets: You can buy one ticket for $15, and two for $20. Location: The People’s Mansion, 394 E Town Street, Columbus, OH 43215.
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 8:00 – 9:30 PM. Colombia Rises Up: A conversation with social justice leaders. A teach-in & conversation about Colombia’s biggest uprising in decades. From Chile to Iraq, people all over the world have been uprising against austerity, neoliberalism and state violence. Colombia, known for having one of the most right-wing governments in the continent, is the latest to join the struggle. Join us for a conversation with Colombian social justice leaders to hear how and why there are mass uprisings and national strikes happening in Colombia. Also, learn what you can do to help. More information on Facebook. Please register for this call in advance at
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 7:00 PM. Single Payer Action Network Business Meeting. We will be discussing resolutions of support, Op Ed in the Columbus Dispatch, SPAN quarterly meeting report, membership and more to advance improved and expanded Medicare for All. Central Ohio Meeting. Location: Unitarian Universalist Church, room 301, 93 West Weisheimer Rd, Columbus, 43214. There is plenty of parking, and it is a short walk from the COTA stop on North High Street. For more information, contact Bob Krasen, SPAN Ohio Regional Coordinator
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 7:00 - 9:00 PM. Columbus DSA Monthly General Meeting. Join us to learn about how you can get involved with our ongoing activist activities. Open to all, this meeting is to coordinate our activities, discuss chapter business, and hear committee updates. Location: Northwood High Building, Room 100, 2231 N High St Columbus, OH. For more information, contact Website and calendar.
Friday, December 13, 2019, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Felices Pascuas. Please join Miriam Vargas and her family as they celebrate the Holidays. Please bring either an appetizer or a dessert to share. Drinks provided. Raffle, tree trimming, music, and other entertainment. If you’d like to participate in the raffle, please bring cash for raffle tickets. Location: First English Lutheran Church, 1015 E. Main Street, Columbus 43201. Facebook.
Friday, December 13, 2019, 10:00 – 11:30 AM. Medicare for All Panel. Rep. Khanna is bringing together the authors of the three most high-profile Medicare for All cost estimates, as well as the author of American Sickness, for a candid and thoughtful discussion on estimated costs and savings under Medicare for All. With historic levels of support in both chambers of Congress, Medicare for All is closer to becoming a reality than ever before. Economists and health policy experts across the political spectrum have made efforts to ascertain exactly what the landscape will look like under a single-payer system with varying results. A constant prediction is hundreds of billions of dollars in administrative savings will occur across the board under a unified system. This panel will dive into the assumptions and predictions underlying these estimates, and how subtle differences in implementation can have outsize effects on overall costs. Location: Rayburn Building, Room 2358C, Washington D.C. You can livestream it here: More information on Facebook.
Saturday, December 14, 2019, 6:30 – 11:00 PM. Second Saturday Salon. Network and socialize with progressive friends with refreshments, live music and special guest Jen Mendoza, activist working on campaign to stop Charmin from cutting down forests for toilet paper. Location: 1021 E. Broad St., Columbus. Parking in side driveway, on street or rear parking lot. Free, no RSVP required. For more information, 614-353-2571 or
Sunday, December 15, 2019, 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Columbus Call to Action. Join local groups across Ohio as they answer the Call to Action to elect Bernie as the next president of the United States! On December 15 - 1 to 4 pm, we will connect by sharing why we support Bernie, and then we’ll start building our local groups as we Think Nationally by Winning Locally! What’s more, at the Call to Action parties, we will prepare for the all-important delegate selection process at the Delegate Caucus taking place in all 16 Congressional districts across Ohio on the evening of January 7. It’s crucial we get as many grassroots activists there so we can make sure our delegates are selected to represent Bernie—and US—at the Democratic National Convention next summer! Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library, meeting room 1, 75 N. High St., Dublin, Ohio 43017. Facebook.
Sunday, December 15, 2019, 6:30 (Potluck), 7:15 - 8:30 PM (Program). Care and Share Timebank Potluck and Program. December Program: Our talented members are signing up as I write this. Expect music, poetry, stories, even a juggler! This Variety Show is becoming an annual holiday event. Please bring a food to share. Recipes are appreciated. Bring items you no longer need for the sharing table. Care and Share Time Bank Membership: Interested in joining the Care and Share Time Bank? First, watch the following video recording of an “orientation” meeting to the time bank. Second, take notes with any questions you may have. Third, send an email to Michael Greenman, CSTB Coordinator, to arrange the completion of your membership application. Location: First UU Church, Fellowship Hall, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus, OH 43214. For more information, call 614-398-3605 or email to Website:
December 16, 2019, 6: 00 – 7:30 PM. Sign the Columbus Community Bill of Rights Petition. The Columbus Community Bill of Rights is a citizen-initiated charter amendment for the city of Columbus. It will give us the right to protect our Water from toxic, radioactive Frack Waste dumping in our Water supply. Columbus Metro Library, Shepard Branch, Meeting Room 1, 850 N. Nelson Rd, Columbus, 43219. Facebook.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 6:00 – 8:30 PM. Breathing While Black. Black people are mindful of their skin color even when doing mindless activities. We learn to be hypervigilant about our black bodies while...dancing, selling bottled water, napping in a dorm, mowing the lawn, going to the store, walking through a neighborhood. More than 1 in 6 Black individuals who are pulled over or stopped on the street have interactions with law enforcement multiple times over the course of a year. Here’s the truth: it’s growing increasingly difficult to catch our breath as Black people. But realities of breathing while Black go far deeper than just law enforcement. With pervasive racial inequalities that manifest for those throughout the African Diaspora, the belief that black lives have less value than white lives is more than just words on paper — it’s a stark reality for many. Join the Columbus African Council and other community partners for a critical conversation on redefining the Black experience. Together, we can work to address systemic racism and develop strategies to make Black empowerment a priority across the African Diaspora. Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library – Main, 96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215. Facebook.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 7:00 PM. Webinar: Monthly Ohio Statehouse Updates - and then monthly every 3rd Wednesday. Join Unitarian Justice Ohio (UJO) Director, Rev. Joan VanBecelaere, and special guests to hear what is happening with key legislation at the Ohio Statehouse. You can email your concerns or questions in advance to Rev. Joan at Register HERE or at:
Thursday, December 19, 2019, 6:00 – 7:00 PM. Memorial Service 2019. Remembering homeless friends and family who passed away this year. Please join us to honor their lives with words and music of inspiration. Location: Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215. For more information about the program, please contact the Columbus Coalition for the homeless 614-228-1342 or
December 19, 7:00 - 7:30 PM. Tamale Fundraiser for Central Ohio Worker Center. This is a chance to learn about Central Ohio Worker Center and the Immigrant Justice Committee and enjoy delicious tamales (mole, salsa verde, salsa roja) and learn about the Central Ohio Workers Center and the work of the Immigrant Justice Committee. Tamales are $3.00 each, $30.00/dozen. First come, first serve. Location: Maynard Avenue United Methodist Church, 2350 Indianola Ave, Columbus 43202. Facebook.
Thursday, December 19, 2019, 7:00 – 9:00 PM. How Courts Work and Their Importance with Indivisible Westerville. Join Indivisible Westerville & Indivisible OH12 for a presentation from the Ohio Fair Courts Alliance! The courts impact nearly every aspect of our daily lives, and yet, many people have little understanding of how the courts work, how judges are selected or why it is important to take action to ensure fair and impartial courts. Feel free to bring a friend! More information on Facebook.
Thursday, December 19, 2019, 7:00 – 10:00 PM. Holiday Debate Watch and Chill. Join your friends at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, URGE, WHOO and the Ohio Women's Alliance for a debate watch holiday party! We'll cheers to a year of hard work with a hot cocoa bar, play debate bingo, write holiday cards to abortion providers and send one last message to our elected officials. We're so excited to invite you to welcome 2020 with us and commemorate the work we did in 2019 - can't wait to see you! This event is FREE and open to the public! We'll have snacks, joy and a great community to hang with! Please RSVP here: Location: The People’s Mansion, 394 East Town St., Columbus 43215. Facebook.
Monday, December 23, 2019, 12:00 – 1:00 PM. Annual Hanukkah Vigil. Please join us. We need 9 people to hold our banners! And distribute literature about the Campaign for HR 2407 Children in Military Detention. More information: Optional join us for lunch in Worthington. Location: the northwest corner of 161 and North High, Worthington. Parking available in public lot behind restaurants south of 161 and on the street. Location: 161 and North High St., Worthington. Facebook.
Saturday, December 28, 2019, 9:30 – 12:30 AM. Voter Advocacy Training in Columbus. Come join UUJO, the Columbus Poor People's Campaign, members of Bethel AME and others as we learn about the realities of Voter Suppression in Ohio and how to become a Voter Advocate for 2020. The training will be faciliated by Rev Susan Smith, Crazy Faith Ministries, and Rev Joan VanBecelaere, UUJO. We will learn about how to help people register to vote in Ohio, and how to easily check the voter registration roles to make sure our family and neighbors have not been purged. And learn how to form a team in your congregation or neighborhood to help register others. We will have materials and Voter Advocacy tool kits available. Questions: contact Rev Joan VanBecelaere, Location: Bethel AME Church, 2021 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43211.
Sunday, January 5, 2019, 2:30 – 4:00 PM. OH12 Voter Registration Training PLUS. In Meeting Room 3. Come learn or re-learn the basics of Voter Registration, PLUS, important info on how to head up a VR mini-team. Training in how to use Sign Up Genius and more. Open to all! Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4093 Cleveland Ave., Columbus 43224. Facebook.
Tuesday, January 15, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Hilltop Community Building Trades and Apprenticeship Fair. Learn about careers in the skilled construction trades, meet construction professionals who can answer your quests, and learn how to apply for a career in the construction industry. The event is free to attend, but Pre-Registration is encouraged. To register, please visit
January 20, 2020, 7:00 AM (doors open), 7:30 AM Program. 35th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Breakfast. Theme: Keep Moving Forward. Keynote speaker: Representative Joyce Beatty. Tickets $60 (early bird discount of 10% for purchases in October). Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center, Exhibition Hall C, 400 N. High St., Columbus 43215. Tickets and more information here.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Beyond Coal Community Action Night/Cons Comm Meeting. Our first Community Action Night of 2020 will be in our new office in the Brewery District! More to come! Location: 503 S. Front St., Columbus 43215. Facebook.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM. Melt Stigma: Easton. Do you like various types of grilled cheese? Do you prefer to support progressive businesses & their efforts to give back to the community? Big fan of abortion access? Have we got the collaborative event for you! Join us for Melt Stigma, a series of events with Melt Bar & Grilled, with the hope of raising money, combating inaccurate abortion rhetoric & engaging Ohioans to get involved in our movement! Fine print: Share the attached flyer with family, friends & colleagues. 20% of the entire day's sales (with flyer) will be money donated back to NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. That's alcohol, takeout, catering, everything! The flyer MUST be presented (physically or digitally) to have your meal count towards the fundraiser. Location: Melt Bar and Grillef (Easton), Easton Gateway, 4206 Worth Ave., Columbus 43219. More information and flyer on Facebook.
Thursday, January 23, 2020, 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM. Melt Stigma: Short North. Do you like various types of grilled cheese? Do you prefer to support progressive businesses & their efforts to give back to the community? Big fan of abortion access? Have we got the collaborative event for you! Join us for Melt Stigma, a series of events with Melt Bar & Grilled, with the hope of raising money, combating inaccurate abortion rhetoric & engaging Ohioans to get involved in our movement! Fine print: Share the attached flyer with family, friends & colleagues. 20% of the entire day's sales (with flyer) will be money donated back to NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. That's alcohol, takeout, catering, everything! The flyer MUST be presented (physically or digitally) to have your meal count towards the fundraiser. Location: Melt Bar and Grilled (Short North), 840 N. High St., Columbus 43215. More information and flyer on Facebook.
Thursday, January 23, 2020, 6:00 – 8:30 PM. Building the Black Agenda. Jobs. Mental Health. Housing Affordability. Education. Poverty. Criminal Justice. Homelessness. Eviction. Food Insecurity. Addiction. Environmental Justice. Civil Protections. Transportation. Community Development. These are just some of the issues affecting the African Diaspora throughout #Columbus. As we empower ourselves to build healthier lives, stronger families, and vibrant communities -- it will require all of us to share in the responsibility to develop a unified strategy in addressing our collective concerns. Join the Columbus African Council and other community partners as we set a course for a more prosperous future throughout the African Diaspora in Columbus. Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library, 96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215. Facebook.
Sunday, January 26, 2020, 1:00 – 4:00 PM. District 15 Candidate Forum: Save the Date! Join us to meet the 2020 candidates for Ohio's Congressional District 15 seat! We will invite all certified candidates from all parties to join us in a panel discussion about the issues we face in the 12 counties of the 15th district. Location: 5181 Northwest Parkway, Hilliard 43026. Facebook.
Saturday, April 4, 2020, 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Art Gala to Benefit CRIS. While millions are fleeing war, terror and persecution, 34 artists and a film crew have engaged in a mission to inspire understanding, compassion and support. This mission, called the Columbus Crossing Borders Project, is currently touring
the United States as an art exhibit and documentary film. Through partnership with Community Refugee and Immigration Services the audience takes an intimate look into the arduous journeys of refugees who have been willing to share their personal stories on film. Taking inspiration from
these stories, 34 artists were asked to work as a cooperative community, being challenged to ‘cross the borders’ into each other’s paintings. The result is a visual collage served up as a tribute to the resilience, strength and spirit of those who have survived the hardship of forced migration. On April 4, 2020 the original Columbus Crossing Borders paintings will be auctioned to the public. All proceeds from the sale of these 34 paintings will be donated to Community Refugee and Immigration Services
in support of their work. Please join us for this special evening which will include hors d’oeuvres, a host bar and live music from the Bhutanese-Nepali Druk Fusion Band. Tickets are on sale for $100.00 and space is limited. To purchase tickets, please click this link. If you are interested in becoming a Gala sponsor, please click here for more information or contact Amanda Epting at Location: Columbus Cultural Arts Center, 139 West Main Street, Columbus. More information here.
Podcast: Nuclear Bailout Battle in Ohio: Harvey Wasserman, Pat Marida on HB 6, Nuke Industry Dirty Tricks, Physical Threats. Nuclear bailout battle in Ohio over a referendum to reverse HB 6, which gives billions of dollars to First Energy and its aging nuclear reactors – Davis Besse and Perry – has at its core the lie that nuclear is going to somehow reverse the climate crisis. It won’t. Listen to the podcast here.
A Decade of Resistance. Read the December 2019 issue of the Free Press here.
Back from the Brink: The Call to Prevent Nuclear War is a national grassroots initiative seeking to fundamentally change U.S. nuclear weapons policy and lead us away from the dangerous path we are on. The Call lays out five common-sense steps that the United States should take to reform its nuclear policy. We are asking individuals and organizations around the country to endorse The Call and build support for the U.S. government to adopt it as its highest national security priority. Join the effort and help build a safer world for our children to inherit. There's lots more:
Support the Fair Food Program — Join the Wendy’s Boycott: The Fair Food Program created by Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) has ended abuse for tens of thousands of farmworkers in this decade. Today, we’re inviting all Fair Food allies in Ohio to join with the farmworkers by joining the Wendy’s Boycott. If you want to join the boycott or would like more information about the Fair Food Campaign and how you can take action, please send your name to: or call Sue Carter at 614-459-0017.
The Green Renaissance Network. Community Radio Station! WGRN FM 94.1 Listen Live on your radio or listen online. Download podcasts! 92.7 or 98.3 on your radio dial or listen online. Check out the SCHEDULE! Get them PRE-SET in your vehicle. WCRS features News in the morning and WGRN offers News in the afternoon. Diverse Music and Voices you won't hear anywhere else in Columbus! To support the Free Press Network -- the Free Press newspaper, websites, WGRN and WCRS community radio and other media ventures -- with a monthly donation! Become a patron on Patreon!
From Move to Amend: This week our National Director Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap and Grassroots Director Keyan Bliss were in back-to-back meetings with Congressional offices from Monday thought today to grow our list of co-sponsors for the #WeThePeopleAmendment (currently at a strong 66 in the House, with a Senator committed to introducing a companion bill toHJR48 in early 2020!!)
MAKE SURE YOU CALL YOUR REPS AND SENATORS THIS WEEK and let them know... you want to see your Representative work with Rep. Pramila Jayapal to cosponsor HJR 48 and you want to see your Senator work with Senator Markey and Move to Amend to introduce a companion bill to HJR 48 (the We the People Amendment) in the Senate.
From Naral Pro-Choice Ohio: Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are organizations that lie to, shame, and intentionally mislead people about their reproductive health care options to block them from accessing abortion care. Everyone facing an unintended pregnancy deserves medically accurate, comprehensive and unbiased information. Sponsored by Rep. Jena Powell and Rep. Tim Ginter, House Bill 297 would create a tax kickback to reward donors to private anti-abortion organizations. Under the bill, if someone gave $1000 to a crisis pregnancy center, they would get $500 back as a tax credit, paid for by Ohio tax dollars — your tax dollars. TAKE ACTION HERE. Send an email to your Ohio state representative. On Tuesday at 3 p.m., the Ohio House Committee on Ways and Means will vote on House Bill 297. The hearing is open to the public. Last month, 380 of you emailed your Ohio state representative about HB 297. That activism is important. Please take a moment again and make sure your voice is heard! Please contact your Ohio state representative using our webform immediately.
From Naral Pro-Choice Ohio: New Study shows Senate Bill 155 is harmful to Patients. Sponsored by Sen. Peggy Lehner, Senate Bill 155 would force medical professionals to provide factually inaccurate, biased, and potentially harmful information. This idea was untested when 23 Republican members of the Ohio Senate voted to approve it. They were warned in multiple committee hearings that pushing fake science onto patients is dangerous. Now we have proof from medical researchers that Sen. Peggy Lehner's bill could endanger patients. Researchers from UC Davis stopped a study on this idea in July. 25% of the women in the study required ambulance transport to a hospital for treatment of severe vaginal bleeding. And this is just one of SEVERAL bills that are based on unsound science, invent fictional medical procedures, or would give tax dollars to groups that lie to patients. Why is the Republican leadership in the Statehouse passing bills based on lies? Take action immediately.
Protect Democracy in Ohio! No on Senate Bill 222! (from Sierra Club). Local democracy is being threatened at the Statehouse through the interest of Big Oil and Gas. Senate Bill 222 would take away the power of local decision makers to govern their communities as they see fit. This bill aims to take away the constitutionally-granted authority of local governments to establish fees on single-use plastic bags, bottles, and a large swath of other items. If passed, SB 222 would needlessly and unlawfully restrict the authority of local government officials, and would remove a means for curbing waste generation and litter in our environment and neighborhoods. Take action today by supporting democracy, future generations, and sustainable practices. Say NO to Senate Bill 222!
From the ACLU: Back to Back Executions. The majority of people in this country support an alternative over the death penalty and want a fair and just criminal justice system. But the Trump administration feels differently, deciding earlier this year to restart federal executions. Immediately after making this decision, the Justice Department scheduled an alarming string of back to back executions without even giving time for the courts to review problems with the cases and execution protocols. A court-ordered injunction has put those executions on hold for now, but we still haven't won this fight. It's up to us to raise our voices and demand our government uphold the will of the people. Sign the petition to Attorney General Barr to halt his plan to restart executions.
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