Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 9:00 – 10:00 AM. Response to ICE: Solidarity with Edith Espinal. Join in support with Edith Espinal this Tuesday, December 17th at 9 am at Columbus Mennonite Church as we send a unified message of solidarity in response to the fines and criminalization Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is leveraging against her. Edith has been ordered to report to ICE for deportation this Tuesday, December 17th. Rather than comply, Edith will be sending several clergy in her place, and we will gather with her at Columbus Mennonite Church at 9am to send a strong message of solidarity with Edith and her family, including public statements opposing these fines, charges, and tactics of family separation. Please join us. Location: Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus. More information on Facebook.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 5:30 PM. Impeachment Rally. Honk for Impeachment. Nobody is above the law. Join Central Ohio's Indivisible groups and MoveOn on the eve of the House impeachment vote in publicly supporting impeachment and removal of our lawless and dangerous president. You can park in the Graceland shopping center lot and then join us on the sidewalk adjoining High Street where we will be holding signs and generating public support for the following day's impeachment vote. Please share on social media! Nothing happens if it isn’t recorded and shared. We’ll be using the national hashtags: #ImpeachmentEve & #NotAboveTheLaw, and our state amplifier hashtag #DemCastOH. Don’t forget your sign. Location: High Street near Graceland Shopping Center, Columbus, OH 43214. RSVP here.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 6:00 – 8:30 PM. Breathing While Black. Black people are mindful of their skin color even when doing mindless activities. We learn to be hypervigilant about our black bodies while...dancing, selling bottled water, napping in a dorm, mowing the lawn, going to the store, walking through a neighborhood. More than 1 in 6 Black individuals who are pulled over or stopped on the street have interactions with law enforcement multiple times over the course of a year. Here’s the truth: it’s growing increasingly difficult to catch our breath as Black people. But realities of breathing while Black go far deeper than just law enforcement. With pervasive racial inequalities that manifest for those throughout the African Diaspora, the belief that black lives have less value than white lives is more than just words on paper — it’s a stark reality for many. Join the Columbus African Council and other community partners for a critical conversation on redefining the Black experience. Together, we can work to address systemic racism and develop strategies to make Black empowerment a priority across the African Diaspora. Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library – Main, 96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215. Facebook.