Thursday, January 16, 2020, 7:00 PM. Central Ohio Worker Center Immigrant Justice Meeting. The Immigration Justice Committee is responsible for advancing the immigrant rights mission of the organization by proposing projects, policy statements, and inter-organizational relationships to the board for approval, and for providing ongoing up-to-date information about opportunities for COWC. We will be discussing the Wage Theft Clinic and Immigrant Stories Project. Location: Maynard Avenue United Methodist Church, 2350 Indianola Ave.
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Regional Ohio Action for Resilience (ROAR) Information Session. As has become clear, these are threatening times -- for our earth, for all creatures, for sustainable human societies, for the health of our soils, air, forests, rivers, reefs, oceans, and viable life everywhere. Yet our governmental and international structures are not taking significant enough action. So as many of us have come to believe, we need to start here -- wherever we find ourselves --building resilience and the deep, necessary changes from the ground up. A group of us in the central Ohio area have started a movement we’re calling ROAR (Regional Ohio Action for Resilience) to help fill that gap. We know that no one group — big or small, activist, academic or non-profit, city or business based — can take this on alone. Yes, much is already being done — by many people and organizations, but often in isolation. With ROAR, we seek to unite our forces toward greater, more collaborative, more regional climate crisis action. Not more policy discussion, not more extensive research. Those pieces are already in place. We are seeking concentrated, well-designed action. Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library, Northside Branch, 1423 N. High St., Columbus. More information on Facebook.
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 7:00 PM. Cultural Historian Candacy Taylor and the Green Book. Join award-winning author, photographer, and cultural documentarian Candacy Taylor for the launch of Overground Railroad, the first book to explore the historical role and residual impact of the Green Book, a travel guide for black motorists. Candacy is also the curator of the forthcoming Smithsonian Exhibition “The Negro Motorist Green Book” for which Overground Railroad will be the official catalog. Location: Gramercy Books, 2424 East Main St., Bexley 43209. More information here.
Thursday, January 16, 2020, Noon – 1:15 PM. 35th Annual MLK Commemorative Celebration. The Ohio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission will present awards to Ohioans for their efforts to advance nonviolent social change. Speakers will include youth who took first place in their respective age divisions of the 2019 Statewide MLK Oratorical Contest sponsored by the Ohio MLK Holiday Commission. The event is FREE and open to the public. Location: Trinity Episcopal Church on Capital Square, 125 E. Broad St., Columbus. Facebook.