A T-shirt drawing on itself with words Comfest on it

Artists, designers and anyone who wants to be a part of ComFest history, start your pens.

It’s ComFest Logo Design season again, and we need your artistic vision for the 2020 program guide, volunteer T-shirt, and beer mug designs. Each year, the winning ComFest logo is incorporated throughout the festival and becomes part of ComFest’s illustrious history. By tapping into the vast creative energy in our community, ComFest seeks to promote and share our values with a unique visual statement that inspires festival participants, volunteers and attendees. Perhaps your inspiration can do it all this year.

This year’s theme highlights each person’s power to make a difference, actively contribute to community conversations and elevate the political consciousness of everyone around them.

Including these concepts when creating your proposed design will make your entry more competitive in the selection process.

Here’s how it works:

Entries must be brought to the Goodale Park Shelter house on Thursday, March 12th at 7:30 for the public viewing and first round of voting. Everyone who attends the meeting may vote. Three finalists will be reviewed at the ComFest General Planning Committee meeting on Sunday, March 22nd, where a final selection will be made.

The winning design will be featured on over 1,500 volunteer T-shirts, and thousands of mugs and program guides. The winning artist is credited on our website, in the Program Guide, and receives valuable ComFest goodies.

All entries must meet the following requirements:

The entry should be a black and white image. (We do a one color silkscreen in order to be economical.) Due to the mechanical limitations and expense of the silk-screening process, it is difficult and expensive to do gray tones or shading. If your design has some shading, it must be done in a way that will lend itself to be easily silk-screened. Of course, all entries must be original art.

  • Include the dates: June 26, 27, 28, 2020 or June 26 – 28, 2020.
  • Include the name, Community Festival. Those two words must appear together in the design. In addition, you can place the word “ComFest” in the design if you wish.
  • Include the place, Goodale Park.
  • Include the theme. This year, the ComFest General Planning Committee has chosen the theme “People Power” as the suggested slogan for logo designs. Artists are not required to use those exact words in their design.
  • Include the Hopewell symbol, shown below:  (Click here for a PDF version)

Another tip is to create a design with a vertical orientation so that it looks good on a T-shirt. The logo will appear in other places, but the most important place is on the T-shirt.

PRINT the artist’s name, address, email and phone number on the BACK of the contest entry. You may enter multiple logo designs, but only one version of a particular design may be submitted for consideration.

Have a high resolution digital file of your entry available. ComFest reserves the right to request changes to the chosen design.

Finalists will be chosen at the Logo Contest (3/12) and the winner will be selected at the General Planning Committee Meeting on March 22nd. The winner will be notified after that meeting.

Good luck and Happy ComFest!

Other important ComFest news:

Street Fair Applications will be available in February. The deadline is always April 20th (4/20).

 The deadline for Performance, Workshop and Speaker applications has been extended to March 1st. ComFest recommends submitting applications sooner than later.

  • Upcoming General Planning Committee Meetings are Sunday, February 2nd and 16th @1PM and Thursday March 5th @7:30PM.  Meetings are at the Goodale Park Shelter house. Everyone is welcome.
  • Spirit & Purpose Committee Meetings (which includes selection of workshops, speakers and emcees) are Tuesday, January 28th, February 11th and 25th @7:30PM, also at the Shelterhouse.
  • Finally, 2020 volunteer sign-up applications will be available in March.

All the information above and much, much more is at www.comfest.com. Visit often.

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