
Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 7:00 - 8:15 PM
The Ohio Legislature has been very active lately.  They have blocked municipalities from regulating plastic bags. They are currently trying to make it harder to vote in November. with HB 680 They are trying to limit the emergency powers of the State Health Director and Governor. And so much many things that will directly impact our lives.  Join Rev. Joan VanBecelaere, Executive Director of UUJO and Tadd Pinkston of Pinkston Law and others to look at what is happening this month in the Ohio Statehouse. The discussions can be very lively.  Please register for UUJO webinars to receive notice of new webinars, reminders and easy-click Zoom online connection information.  You can register HERE or at  And then join us on Zoom at:  Meeting ID: 390 983 1611. Or Dial:   +1 646 558 8656.