
Details about event

Saturday, August 22, 12noon
North Broadway and High Streets

An estimated 27 million people have now lost their health insurance due to the pandemic, in addition to 29 million who were already uninsured. That’s nearly 60 million people in the US without health insurance, during a global pandemic. COVID-19 has laid bare that our health care system is in dire need of reform — and Medicare for All could help us now more than ever. People of color in the US face disproportionate lack of health care, and the racial disparities of COVID-19 have made this more evident than ever before. One of the best ways to fix the injustices at our system’s core starts with making sure that everyone, no matter what, is guaranteed health care free at the point of service. You're invited to show your support for Medicare for All, by bringing and displaying a sign to passers by. Social distance and masks required. Enjoy each other in our demand for Medicare for All, NOW!