Hand holding gun

From Ohioans Against Gun Violence
"Shoot First, Ask Questions Later. License to Kill. Kill at Will." Stand Your Ground laws are known by all of these names. Across the U.S. at least 25 states already have Stand Your Ground laws on the books. Unless we act now, Ohio might be next.  The name “Stand Your Ground” begs the question — whose ground? When we look at the murders of Ahmaud Arbery or Trayvon Martin, the answer is clear: These laws embolden reckless gun owners to shoot first, ask questions later, then claim self-defense to avoid being held responsible for killing another individual. They can be used to protect white vigilantism and justify violence against people of color. Join the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence in signing your name to #StandWithOhio and show Gov. DeWine that the entire nation is watching!  Sign the petition here. 

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