Person in car in caravan with sign Homes for All

Monday, November 23, 2020
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will organize Moral Monday caravans at statehouses across the country to mourn the nearly quarter-million Americans who have died from COVID-19, demand a smooth and open transition of power and lift up the moral policies we need immediately and in the first days of the new administration. The caravans will kick-off a "Week of Mourning" to mourn the politics of death that have plagued our nation and to demand a politics of life. This Thanksgiving, a day already marked by many Indigenous peoples as a Day of Mourning, families across the country will remember and mourn the loss of loved ones who have died from COVID-19 and poverty. Millions of poor and low-income households also face mounting bills, evictions and hunger, after months of unemployment, cuts in wages, and the government’s failure to pass a comprehensive COVID-relief package.   Ending the suffering of our families and communities is a moral mandate to all who are tasked with governance now and in the new year. Calls for cooperation cannot compromise with injustice. For those not participating in a caravan, join us for the online action at 2:30pm ET at, where we will get reports from each of the participating states, launch an online Mourning Wall for victims of COVID-19 and poverty and launch a petition demanding short and long-term action from the White House, Congress and state governments. The online memorial service will also be available at  Register here