Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 4:30 PM
Council will host a Reimagining Public Safety hearing as a part of the its review of the Administration’s proposed 2021 Operating Budget. This hearing will focus on how the proposed budget advances the reforms and recommendations from Community Safety Advisory Commission and the Matrix Report. Council will also be looking for how the proposed budget invests in the three principles of the Reimagining Safety Initiative: (a) establishing an alternative crisis response model, (b) investing in violence prevention, and (c) investing in a better and more accountable Division of Police. Any resident seeking to submit written testimony should submit their testimony to the office of Council President Shannon G. Hardin. To provide testimony via WebEx during the virtual hearing email Zak Davidson at ZGDavidson@columbus.gov by noon on the day of the hearing. Any resident wishing to appear via WebEx to provide testimony during the virtual hearing should email Zak Davidson at ZGDavidson@columbus.gov by noon on the day of the hearing to request a WebEx speaker link. This hearing is available live stream on the CTV website and broadcast on Spectrum, Channel 1024; WOW, Channel 3 and AT&T U-verse, Channel 99. The video will also be posted on the City of Columbus YouTube channel following the event. WHERE: Listen By Phone: 1-650-479-3207, Access Code: 180 894 5168. Watch Live on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ColsCouncil/.