Repeal HB6 now sign

Tuesday, December 22, 12noon
Ohio Stateshouse

CALLING ALL OHIOANS (SAFELY) TO THE STATEHOUSE ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 AT NOON! While the federal government prepares to prosecute Rep Larry Householder and others for their participation in passing HB6, Ohio lawmakers have decided to be complacent in this scandal instead of just repealing the largest (known) bribery and corruption scandal in Ohio history. Instead of refunding 1.5 billion dollars to Ohio taxpayers, they are giving our hard earned money to a company that openly paid $60 million dollars for it. We have 70 “REPEAL HB6 NOW” yard signs and will be **socially distanced** around the statehouse lawn TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 AT NOON to hold them up and make a statement to the 133rd general assembly.