
People protesting
The Buckeye Environmental Network has joined Our Voices Together Coalition to stop the onslaught of all the anti democracy bills that have been introduced in Ohio. We encourage each of you to join us in this coalition.    There are two bills threatening our right to public witness in Ohio; HB 22 and HB 109. Both of these bills have had hearings and could be voted out of committee at their next one. If these go through, we would see felony convictions for yelling at a Police officer or blocking a street. We want to stop these bills where they are. 
  Are you ready to "Stir Up The House"? May 10-14, we want to get House Representatives talking to each other, asking questions and generally "stirred up" over bills threatening our right to peaceful public witness. Get your besties together, rally your congregation or organization, invite your minister to join you, whoever it is, we invite you to get a group together and share your concerns about HB 109 and HB 22 with House Representatives. We're preparing the "how-to's" with all the details in a Toolkit, but here are some tips to get you started:
  1. Form a group with 2-3 people this week. Having a group allows everyone to focus on just one piece of the conversation with your legislator. 
  2. Pick a legislator(s) who:
  3. Sign up your group at
  4. Save the date for Thursday, May 6 at 5 pm for a kickoff party!!    
  5. Save the date for Monday, May 10 at 7pm for an HB 109 information session. 
Sign up your group at to get the toolkit and information for May 6 and May 10. Are you ready? Set? Let's Go!

You might find of interest a 47 minute program that was broadcast

yesterday on anti-protest bills across the country on the national NPR
program "On Point." Included in the broadcast was a brief discussion of
the problems in Ohio in HB 22 by criminalizing the taunting of police.

The link is below:
What Anti-Protest Bills Reveal About The State Of U.S. Democracy