What Does Redistricting have to do with me?
Thursday, June 3, 6:30-8pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
Ohio recently voted on two ballot issues to change the way our state and congressional districts are drawn. This year, Ohio redraws the lines. How do the ballot issues change the process for mapping Ohio’s districts? How might it impact our votes? Learn more and discuss redistricting in this “Zoom Popular Education” event with Communities United For Action, Common Cause, and League of Women Voters of Greater Cincinnati.
RSVP for this event by using this link.
Hosted by Communities United For Action, Common Cause Ohio, and League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area.
Learn How You Can Help Stop Gerrymandering In Ohio
Thursday, June 3, 7:30pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
This redistricting cycle will be unlike any we’ve seen before. Not only is it the first time we’ll be redrawing maps since Ohio voters passed two game-changing constitutional amendments in 2015 and 2018, but mapmakers will also be working on a different timeline than usual.
Join local hosts, Ellis Jacobs, Paulette Olson, John Fleming, Louise Smith, Bomani Moyenda, Kim McCarthy, Rudy Fichtenbaum, and our statewide partner, Fair Districts Ohio, for a one-hour webinar to learn how the new process works and how you can be involved to help stop gerrymandering and get fair districts so that every vote counts.
Important work will be done over the summer; this webinar will help you get prepared to participate.
RSVP for this event by using this link.
Hosted by Fair Districts Coalition, League of Women Voters of Ohio, and Common Cause Ohio.