The Build Back Better agenda is supposed to be a game-changer to transition the country to renewable energy and off of fossil fuels by 2035. Yet the Build Back Better Act includes $30 billion of infrastructure spending on subsidies for aging, uneconomical nuclear power plants. This would be a costly, counterproductive, job-killing mistake. Speak up and demand that leaders in Washington take action towards a just transition to a 100% renewable energy future - carbon-free and nuclear-free. We’ve come so far in demanding real climate action instead of the false promises of nuclear power that only enrich corrupt corporations while leaving frontline communities behind. And the good news is that we’ve been winning! Over the last six months, the nuclear bailout proposal has been cut back from as much as $200 billion to about $35 billion. Now, we have to get it cut completely. It has never been a more important time for you to tell your elected leaders to cut wasteful, corrupt nuclear bailouts in the Build Back Better Act. Tell them NO nuclear bailouts! Tell President Biden, Vice-President Harris, and your representatives in Congress: “Cut wasteful, corrupt nuclear bailouts in the Build Back Better Act. Invest in American Jobs and a Just Transition to 100% Renewable Energy by 2035.” Send your message here.